Immersive kundalini programs based on original Indian teachings. Learn the theory. Master the practices. Embody wholeness.

Experience the transformational power of kundalini tantra.

Ascension is a word thrown about all over the internet these days, but do we really know what it is?

In this course, you’ll be given an overview of ascension from a yogic perspective and receive some simple techniques used by sages, rishis, masters and saints to help you embody the ascension process yourself.

Liberation is not some far-off concept. Enrol in this on-demand course and you’ll learn how to liberate yourself from the karma-creating baggage weighing you down - with two simple techniques detailed in ancient texts such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.

Opening Ajna, or the third eye is one of the most widely misunderstood spiritual practices around. In this course, you’ll discover why your most psychic energy centre shouldn’t be feared and how to open it up safely using ancient yogic teachings.

This deep dive into the third eye includes:

An overview of the pineal gland, the pituitary and the ‘cave of Brahman’

Fascinating historical and ancient symbolic teachings about the third eye

6 powerful third-eye practices you can build into your daily sadhana or spiritual rituals

A candlelit kundalini meditation masterclass centred around the third eye

A 3 Class Set to help you connect with the energy of the moon

The feminine body of the moon and her cycles affect our energy systems, and our physical selves.

This 3-part kundalini set will help you to deeply embody the moon in her most important phases. Cycle with her, not against her. Activate your own feminine charge. Tune into her ever-shifting energy signature. Bring your system into balance with the cosmos and nature. Just like our ancient ancestors did.

Gentle, stretchy yoga. Deep meditations. Super-charged pranayam exercises and mantric frequency-making.

You can use these classes at any time, during any of the moon’s cycles.